Duck Bill & Umbrella Valves

Duck Bill Valves and Umbrella Valves have very similar functions. Duck Bill Valves and Umbrella Valves are one way check valves that open and close at low pressure. Duck Bill valves are often placed at the end of an orifice. As pressure is applied, the end that looks like a Duck Bill opens, allowing for the media to pass through. When the pressure is reduced, or stopped, The Duck Bill portion closes, thereby stopping the flow.
Umbrella valves are usually installed on a flat seat whereby the stem is pulled through a hole and the Umbrella valve is locked in place. As pressure is applied, the media passes through the flow holes and lifts the Umbrella Valve skirt allowing the valve to open. When the pressure is reduced, or stopped, the Umbrella Valve skirt returns to its sealing position, thereby stopping the flow.
Century Rubber has been producing Duck Bill Valves and Umbrella Valves since 1973!